Welcome New Users!

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Posts: 219
Joined: October 22, 2007, 10:58 pm
Location: Lafayette, LA

Welcome New Users!

Post by Tony »

Viewing our travel log couldn't be easier. First time visitors need only to click on the "Register" link in the upper right hand corner of the main page and fill out a few things like username, password, and email address (don't worry, we won't spam you like other sites). After completing the simple registration form, you will be emailed a link to confirm your registration.

Once you are confirmed, simply enter your username and chosen password on the main page and enjoy the show! I recommend you start from the beginning of our journey to get the full effect. Feel free to leave your comments. We like to hear from you.

Here's a few tips once you get registered and logged in: If you click here, you will go to the first picture post on the log. Once you've viewed that post, you will notice a link on the bottom of that post labeled "View next topic". You can simply click that to view the next post. Then the same rule applies... as you read each post, you can continue to click "View next topic" and you'll get the next post. This saves you from having to go to the main page each time and keeping track of where you're at. You also travel with us, chronologically, so you are aware of things in the same order we are. Helps with the context of posts. Hope that helps!
Tony D. Berry
Lafayette, LA